I get that the world doesn't revolve around me. Really, I do. Can you feel the but, coming?
Well here it is, but I came to spend time with you and I'd like to do that.
I get that you have a life here 1,000 miles away from me, but I traveled those 1,000 miles to be with you.
I get that you have a job and that you're not on spring break like I am.
I get that your fiancé means a lot to you and that you like to spend a lot of time with him but so does mine and I chose you.
I get that you're an adult with different tastes than me.
I get that you can't do what you used to.
I get that it's my choice to be upset or to rearrange my thinking.
I get that you've done this all before and that it's old hat.
I get that he's a new part of your life and he'll be there all the times I'm not.
I get that we haven't had the smoothest relationship.
I'll get that we wont be as close as I want us to.
I'll get this relationship isn't based on anything but blood.
I'll get that this is me.
I just don't yet.
I'm upset.
Your dismissal of my feelings doesn't help and just hurts more.
I'll learn, I get that.
You'll mature, I get that. So will I.